
Sunday, August 16, 2015

Weekly Workouts 8.10.15- 8.16.15

This is week 7 of my second round through the Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide (BBG)-  Last week I switched my rest day to Friday, so I did legs on Saturday and then again on Monday and. it. HURT! So I followed my usual routine this week. I'm trying to integrate more Tone It Up workouts into my weekly workout routines, I love their energy and I workout harder when I have a video to keep up with. It's so convenient to roll out of bed, and just turn on to their YouTube channel. One of my goals is to get my workouts in in the morning. This week I was able to motivate myself to get up early Monday, Tuesday, and Sunday for morning workouts. Guess I'll aim for 4 days next week, stay tuned ;)

This week's workouts:

MONDAY: Week 7 Legs and Cardio

TUESDAY: Tone it Up: HIITY BITTY BIKINI (20 min HIIT workout)

WEDNESDAY: Week 7 Arms and Abs

THURSDAY: Tone it Up: Ultimate Bootycall Workout (30 min HIIT workout)

FRIDAY: Week 7 Abs and Cardio

SATURDAY: Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Cardio 2 (30 min LISS)

SUNDAY: RUNDAY! 3 miles (30 min)/ Stretch

For meal prep today I needed to use up the food in my fridge so I made the same thing I had last week. Like I've said before, I know eating the same thing for breakfasts and lunches isn't for everyone, but it works for me. And sometimes I'm lazy and need to use what I have up before it goes bad. At this timeI am trying to shed the birthday weight I gained so I am paying attention to my portions, keeping it Whole30 and watching my fruit intake.

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